Friday, May 9, 2008

9 months!

Okay... finally I got the pictures up of my 9 month belly! Beluga is kicking all the time actually I guess it is more of squirming than anything but its running out of room because the squirming is not so enjoyable anymore. I went to the doctor yesterday and had gained 2 pounds which was good since I hadn't gained anything for 3 weeks. I have now gained a total of 23 pounds. The doctor checked me again but nothing has changed still at 1cm, 50% effaced, and -2 station. I pre-registered for the hospital yesterday too so we are all set whenever the day arrives. I am so ready to be done and meet the person that has been inside me for 9 long months.

9 months 4 

9 months 2


Anne said... look like you're going to pop! wish I'm sure :P Only a few more weeks (or less)!! Like the new blog look too!

Susan said...

I do wish I would pop! Today Beluga was kicking me in the side so hard that it was I said there is just no more room.