I actually made it to my doctor appt. today even though I was late due to the tornado warning we had. I gained 2 pounds and have now gained a total of 30...they are happy about it so that is good I guess. No change in dilation...that makes me so mad although I suppose it really doesn't mean anything because I could still go into labor any day. Knowing my luck I will go past my due date...oh well that's life. My next appt. is next Friday and I am hoping that I don't make it to that appt. because I am tired of being pregnant and uncomfortable.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Stupid Wyoming!!
So I woke up to fog this morning...thought wow this is like California and that all changed throughout the course of the day. Colorado got hit with 7 tornados one of which went right by Melinda and Debbie's work and the worst one took a man's life down in Windsor. I am sitting here in the basement because just as I told Anne and Mom that it was just a tornado watch until 8pm it had to change into a warning. We have had two separate tornados spotted in the Cheyenne area and are in a warning until 9pm now. I hate this weather and I hate how quickly it can change out here! Luckily this is not a normal thing for Wyoming but I hate it none the less. Here are some pictures from the Colorado tornados.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
So we got our new furnace and air conditioning installed yesterday...I am so excited! Since we will be home quite a bit this summer it will make everything much more comfortable. We are still anxiously waiting for the baby to come...I don't think it can come soon enough. I thought I was uncomfortable 2 weeks ago but it just keeps getting worse it seems. Oh well it will all be worth it in the end.
Friday, May 9, 2008
9 months!
Okay... finally I got the pictures up of my 9 month belly! Beluga is kicking all the time actually I guess it is more of squirming than anything but its running out of room because the squirming is not so enjoyable anymore. I went to the doctor yesterday and had gained 2 pounds which was good since I hadn't gained anything for 3 weeks. I have now gained a total of 23 pounds. The doctor checked me again but nothing has changed still at 1cm, 50% effaced, and -2 station. I pre-registered for the hospital yesterday too so we are all set whenever the day arrives. I am so ready to be done and meet the person that has been inside me for 9 long months.