Monday, June 2, 2008

The Weekend...

Here is the most current picture of my belly

wk. 40

Daffney came to visit us with the hopes of seeing a baby but that obviously didn't happen. She came last Wed. and left this morning so she could see her sister graduate high school tomorrow. We had some fun with a watermelon which by the way tasted wonderful!



Went to the doctor last Friday and yet again no change. They made me make another appt. before inducing so my next appt. is this Wed. I am hoping that something happens before then but if not I am hoping they will induce by the end of the week because I am ready to be done. I think back to when I said I was uncomfortable and it doesn't even compare to how uncomfortable I am feeling now. I guess the baby will come when it is ready I just wish that was now...


Anne said...

Love the watermelon :) I'll keep my fingers crossed...just don't keep your legs crossed :)

Susan said...

I think I have tried just about everything to get this baby out...nothing is working obviously. Tomorrow morning we will find out more hopefully but I am not going to wait another week so they better tell me something good.