Sunday, January 1, 2012


We got a new roof in the beginning of October and this past week we got winds over 70mph which has now taken off most of my new roof

This was Friday…


This was Saturday…


More pictures…





Joanne Barragan said...

Looks like you needed to install a new roof immediately. It would be practical and timely if you make the repairs this summer. I hope your roof gets fixed soon..Good luck!

Joanne Barragan

Alison Mckenzie said...

All that damage from strong winds? That's just unfortunate. Getting your roof fixed the soonest time possible is the most logical thing to do. Asking your roofer the most suitable roofing material that can withstand strong winds is a good idea.

Alison Mckenzie

Unknown said...

I’m so sorry that your new roof was immediately damaged! Were you able to speak with the roofers who had done the job about this? I hope they came over and fixed it as soon as was possible. If not, I hope that you were able to get it fixed by a better roofing company. Were the repairs covered by your insurance considering the damages was caused by strong storms?

Joann Winton