Sometimes I wonder about my child and his need for everything to be just right. At times this need drives Leevi and I crazy.
- trash must go in the trash right at that moment
- napkins only get used once and must go in the trash
-when his hands are dirty he wants them clean even though he isn’t finished with what he is doing and his hands will just need to be cleaned again
-he likes to line things up and they have to be facing the same direction (his fire trucks have to be facing the same way or his toys lined up on the edge of the tub need to be facing the same way)
-he has to help Leevi or I take the trash out or we have a complete melt down.
-At daycare when its time to go he has to put all the toys away even if that means taking toys away from kids that are still there.
On another note he is the most polite 2 year I have come across…he always says please, thank you, and your welcome.
I think he also takes better care of our animals than Leevi and I. Once again there are melt downs in our house if he doesn’t get to let Sierra in and out, doesn’t get to feed her, and doesn’t get to feed the cats.
I just love my child so much and he is at such a fun age…his personality is developing more and more every day.
So cute! So where does the OCD come from? Not you or Leevi! :P
I can't wait for Adam to help Nana and Papa keep their house in order. Maybe he can stay with us for awhile and get us organized.
Of course just send him back when you are done :) He will help you pick up, dust, and clean floors. Oh and help with Laundry.
Anne lined up all her things when she was young and Dad says he doesn't like messy hands. So it comes from your Dad and Anne
I don't like messy hands either...I'm always washing them :)
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